Louis Perron
“My contribution as a painter is to give all those people who are all too often anonymous, ignored or destitute some dignity through the legitimacy which a portrait confers.” Louis Perron’s drawings will be exhibited and he will be drawing all through the État d’Urgence in order to legitimize and bear witness to those people neglected by our society. In so doing, he allows such people to be seen and to leave a trace and a legacy to the community.
Christian Barré
Photo: Christan Barré
Christian Barré lives and works in Montreal. He holds a Master of Arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal. His work has been shown at Montréal Télégraphe, at the Centre d’essai 3e impérial, and at Plein Sud, the latter being associated with the Duchamp-Villon prize. He has taken part in several group exhibitions: Montreal Photography Month (2001), the 3e impérial’s ALICA project, and the symposium organized by VIROSE (Porto, Portugal, 2001). He has recently participated in the Biennale de Montréal (2004), the Manif d'art de Québec (2004) and the Territoire Urbain exhibit presented at Montreal’s Museum of Contemporary Art (2005). For the État Urgence, he offers a photo essay on the theme of the immigration of refugee-status women. A high percentage of women are admitted to Canada based on dubious criteria, without being properly informed of the role which awaits them in our Western society.
Martin Savoie
Photo: Martin Savoie
Martin Savoie, ATSA’s official photographer since the early days, will present a retrospective of our many interventions.
Baptiste Dhont Farcy
Photo: Baptiste Dhont-Farcy
Montrer la solitude qui accompagne la mendicité a été le but d’un travail souvent difficile mais riche de rencontres. Mes photographies cherchent ainsi la place que ces individus occupent dans notre environnement, l’espace à l’intérieur duquel ces hommes et ces femmes tentent d’exister. Être fixe et immobile, les place en contradiction avec le monde qui les entoure, qui bouge autour d’eux, à côté d’eux, sans les voir ni les vouloir.
Malgré le caractère universel du sujet, réaliser l’ensemble de ces photographies en plein cœur de Paris revêt une importance particulière. En effet, Paris, si connue pour ses lumières et son histoire, son architecture et ses grands magasins, abrite néanmoins une réalité plus cruelle et moins romantique.
La ville, monstre de digestion, estomac sans pareil, nous rend-t-elle aveugles parce qu’elle nous rend anonymes ?