État d'Urgence 2010 | ©Martin Savoie
État d'Urgence 2010 | ©Martin Savoie

A tribute to Pierre

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On Sunday, November 24, the installation Salut, l'Artiste !—as he liked to call everyone!—will be set up at Parc des Portugais, corner Marie-Anne and Saint-Laurent. It will remain there until Monday the 25th, to pay tribute to Pierre Allard and to provide a place in our neighbourhood in which to simply gather and reflect.

You are invited to take a pair of warm socks that you can give to a homeless person, or to donate some articles of warm clothing that we can then bring to a charitable organization. Or, you can honour Pierre by buying a new pair of socks and giving it to a homeless person; he would love that!

We wish this installation to have a positive impact.

Thank you all for your kind words and support.

All those who wish to can also continue supporting ATSA:

By voting for Cuisine ta Ville for the Rights & Freedoms Award
By participating in our 2020 fundraising drive



My beloved,

You were a man of immense vitality. Nothing seemed impossible when in your company, and you bequeathed to us this burning desire to accomplish things, to show up at 110%, to learn, to find solutions, to be engaged in life and in art. You made a difference in the lives of so many people. I love you so, so much.

Not a day, a night, a meal goes by without my feeling your presence by my side. I cannot express everything we were together. We achieved so much, and shared so much. Our children are beautiful beings; they changed your life, filled it with the joy of being a family, and they are getting such a wonderful start in life. You are right to believe in them! ATSA too is our baby, our life’s work. You live inside me every day I go to the office and, with the team and the extended ATSA family, carry on with our projects... Things are moving forward and you would be so proud.  My heart fills with the courage you breathe into me, an energy we always had. Though your death is senseless, my love, knowing you has made my life immeasurably rich. I miss you, and keep your memory alive by continuing to live as we did together.

I will one day join you in the intemporal realm.

I love you.

- Your woman, Annie

Images : l’art en action de Magnus Isaacson et Simon Bujold, La Fabrique Culturelle, archives familiales.

Music : Ane Brun et Introduction - Alf Leila Wa Leila de Ibrahim Maalouf

Editing : Sophie Leblond - Thanks to Cinéma Moderne


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A TREMENDOUS SHOCK... which we must TRANSFORM INTO persistencY

I have some terrible news to share with you.

This past Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 3:40 a.m., Pierre Allard passed away. My longtime companion in life and in art, an important artist beloved and appreciated by all, my gentle pirate, fighting for peace with art and love as your sole weapons, you have left us too quickly.

Unbeknownst to us, an aggressive lung cancer was wreaking its damage, and what we thought was a backache accompanied by pneumonia proved to be the metastases of a generalized cancer in its terminal phase. We received the diagnosis Wednesday, November 21 and his health rapidly deteriorated until Saturday the 24th, when, now in the intenstive care unit, he went into respiratory arrest and succumbed.

Since the announcement of Pierre's death was first made, a wave of solidarity and love has enveloped the team, the children and me, bringing us much solace. We are latching onto this wave to soldier on, for this is what Pierre asked me to do.

With your encouragement, I will do my utmost to keep that promise—our promise—by seeing through to completion the very concrete projects already in progress and that must not vanish as he has, in Montreal and elsewhere in the world. We will carry on one step at a time, with your ever more invaluable support.

A commemorative ceremony to celebrate Pierre's life will be held this December 9 at the Alfred Dallaire MEMORIA funeral home at 4231 Saint-Laurent Blvd., beginning at 3 p.m. Anyone who loved and appreciated Pierre is welcome.

Should you wish to support us in carrying on, we would appreciate your making a donation to ATSA in his memory.


The donation will go directly toward funding the second edition of Cuisine ta Ville and the continued development of Le Temps d’une Soupe, two events whose core aim is to foster encounters and exchanges.

Together, we will be strong as we try to make sense of this senselessness; together, we shall continue the creative mission that so inspired Pierre and the entire team.

Thank you for encouraging your friends and family to support us and to be a part of ATSA's continued thrust. What a wonderful holiday gift it would be to offer a donation in someone's memory.

Let's continue to work together to create, using Pierre's energy and drive as inspiration.