Our programming this year revolves around ATSA's continuous installation, Prendre…le temps d’une soupe!, and the Nuit des Sans-abri de Montréal (NSA). It is a great line-up!
Starting at 4 p.m. on October 15, outdoors and under the ATSA and NSA tents, will be held the vernissages of two exhibits, Vero Allaire's Dans les yeux de l'itinérance and Émile Laliberté's Espace Public – Espace Privé. As well, a public piano (painted by the St-James Drop-in Centre), inaugurated by a well-known musician, will fill the air with its sweet sounds each day at mealtime. Though the piano is at everyone's disposal, we will kick off each meal with a special performance!
The event's centerpiece, ATSA's Prendre… Le temps d’une soupe installation, will greet its first guests and serve its first soups (courtesy of SoupeSoupe!) at 4 p.m. We are hoping it will generate 1,500 encounters throughout the event! We are counting on you to make that happen!
The evening will kick off at 6 p.m. with a fine meal courtesy of Holder restaurant, followed by a fire circus performance at 7:30.
At 8:30 p.m., the excellent Philippe Brach and his musicians will take to the stage with a performance specially put together for the occasion. It will be a teaser for his upcoming show at Le National theatre this coming November 19.
The evening concludes with the event's first film, De prison en prison by Steve Patry, made in collaboration with Funambules Médias. The director will be present.
Things begin at noon with Prendre… Le temps d’une soupe, which will greet guests all day and, exceptionally on this day, until midnight!
Under the NSA tent, various Montreal community organizations involved in the fight against homelessness and social precarity will be on hand. Discover exhibits by the St-James Drop-in Centre, Exeko agency and Le Chaînon women's shelter, among others.
A meal will be served to those in need while brilliant classical pianist Guillaume Martineau will tickle the ivories of our public piano.
Circus presentations during the afternoon will warm up the crowd for the Nuit des Sans-abri, which gets underway at 6 p.m. with a one-hour march of solidarity through the neighbourhood with pauses at specific points.
We will be back at Place Émilie-Gamelin by 7:30 p.m. for the cabaret show and the night vigil (see details under the La Nuit des Sans-abri tab online). Three food trucks will be present and will serve some 800 meals!
At 8 p.m., Mayor Denis Coderre and Québec solidaire MNA Manon Massé will speak, and also seize the opportunity to share a bowl of soup at Prendre…Le temps d’une soupe!
The evening's show will feature, among other things, performances by various community groups, interspersed with those by David Portelance, David Marin, and numerous surprise guests!
The Night Vigil will begin at midnight. Participants can warm up a bit with some hot chocolate courtesy of Les chocolats de Chloé. At 2 a.m., the film L’Amour au temps de la guerre civile by Rodrigue Jean will be screened under the ATSA tent.
A breakfast will be served when the vigil winds down at 6 a.m. on October 17, courtesy of Le Chic resto Pop.
We are back with a vengeance (despite our sleepless night!) on Saturday, October 17, as usual greeting you at Prendre…le temps d’une soupe, featuring on this day well-known Québec personalities from noon to 10 p.m.!
Lunch for those in need will be served at noon courtesy of Le Café du Nouveau Monde, accompanied by the sounds of Pierre Jasmin (who is also spokesperson for Artistes pour la Paix) at the public piano.
From 2:30 to 4:30, Cirque Hors Piste offers an introductory workshop on various circus disciplines: juggling with balls and pins, rola bola (balance board), diabolo and Chineses plates. Open to all, kids and adults alike!
Meanwhile, the Nuit des Sans-abri tent will offer a number of workshops and stands to discover!
The choir Les Voix Ferrées will thrill our ears at 5 p.m., and a Malaysian feast offered by Montreal's Muslim community will thrill our taste buds at 7 p.m.! As usual, the meal will be accompanied by a performance on the public piano!
At 8 p.m., the political humour of Fred Dubé and the best new comedic talent will no doubt help us digest our fine meal!
At 9 p.m., it's the screening of the film L’Abri by Fernand Melgar.
We end the evening at 10 by letting loose with DJ Disco Stu.
Your last chance to participate in Prendre…Le temps d’une soupe, between noon and 10 p.m. Lunch will be served at noon.
Ste-Catherine will be closed off from 1 to 5 p.m. for a street soccer exhibition match. Come cheer the players on!
The evening meal will be served at 6, with accompaniment on the public piano, as usual!
Pascale Picard will perform on the stage at 8:30 p.m.
At 9:30, it's the screening of the film Sol by Susan Avingaq and Marie-Hélène Cousineau.
All the artists and numerous public personalities will participate in Prendre…le Temps d’une soupe and you will be able to follow it all on Facebook, where you can also keep up with last-minute programming notes!
We look forward to sharing some soup—and conversation—with you!
Émily Laliberté, Espace public / Espace privé
Outdoor exhibit, next to the NSA tent
Espace Public / Espace Privé is a collaborative creation by Emily Laliberté and the participants of Exeko's idAction Mobile, an intellectual and cultural mediation caravan working with homeless citizens. Emily engaged each participant in a dialogue whose starting point are the questions: What is public space? What is private space? Each participant was then invited to share with her a “public” space that they saw as being more like a “private” space. Emily created a photograph of each space, capturing its essence for the participant, and gave it to the participant in the form of a postcard. Each creation followed a similar approach, but the diversity of the input made each postcard a unique object; seen collectively, the postcards reflect the philosophical and creative diversity and richness of the participants.
Vero Allaire, Dans les yeux de l'itinérance
ATSA tentEmpathy, respect, authenticity—these are the qualities revealed by Vero Allaire's photography. She captures the subtle details we miss. Her sometimes unusual framing intensifies the emotions felt at a precise moment in time. Vero Allaire's work does not wallow in miserabilism. She looks for and brings to the fore the beauty in all of her homeless subjects and thus reveals their dignity. A photo of a hand covered in grime symbolizes the privileged relationship they agree to create with the photographer.
Royal Pickles
Thursday, October 15 at 4 to 6 p.m.
Si la demande pour la musique swing n’a fait qu’augmenter lors de ces dernières années, avec la renaissance de la culture jazz traditionnel et la montée en popularité des danses swing en écoles et dans la rue, Les Royal Pickles ont certainement su répondre à l’appel. Les Royal Pickles, c’est un son actuel de Montréal. Partant d’une base musicale Américaine, rattachée avant tout à la Nouvelle-Orléans et à l’histoire du swing, mais avec une forte influence de la chanson française, ne serait-ce que par le bilinguisme du répertoire, mélangeant pièces originales et standards traditionnels.
Philippe Brach
Thursday, October 15 at 8:30 p.m.There's been some sense of order, much chaos, and certainly no let-up for Philippe Brach. Following his first release, La foire et l'ordre, top honours at the 2014 Francouvertes competition, a Québec-wide tour and recent acclaim from Radio-Canada which heralded him as a talent to watch out for, Philippe found the time, energy and inspiration to create Portraits de famine, a much-anticipated sophomore effort—produced by Louis-Jean Cormier—which he is now taking to the stage.With his customary verve, Brach hones the ordered chaos that is his calling card with material that encompasses restraint, release, and all points in between.
Check out his new show at the Le National theatre this coming November 19!
Les Voix Ferrées
Saturday, October 17 at 5 p.m.
Vocal ensemble Les Voix Ferrées is known for its down-to-earth, socially engaged members. No surprise, then, that this dynamic and eclectic choir, led by musical director François Ouimet, is warmly embraced by Montrealers. Next year will mark its 25th anniversary, and though membership has changed over the years, the choir's core mission has always been to engage in song for the sheer pleasure of singing!
Al Drapeau
Sunday, October 18 at 5 p.m.Un artiste excentrique qui fait dans la country-Blues francophone ultra-authentique. Al Drapeau à du coeur et des couilles. Un jeu de guitare alliant force, agilité et originalité. C'est le temps que le party lève et que ça déchire? Parfait, Al Drapeau est dans la maison, ça va swingner! Rock and roll pour toujours !
Pascale Picard – All Things pass
Sunday, October 18 at 8:30 p.m.
After bursting onto the Québec and French music scenes with her first release, Me, Myself & Us (300,000 units sold), and a second one that established her unique sound (A Letter to No One), Pascale Picard is back with a third offering, All Things Pass, an ever more textured and subtle affair where folk, punk, rock and pop collide.
Special thanks to Funambules Médias for their collaboration with the programming!
De prisons en prison, by STEVE PATRY - The director will be present
Thursday, October 15 at 9:30 p.m.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/109024841
Synopsis: Each month in Québec, hundreds of inmates are released after having served their sentence. What becomes of them once they find their freedom again? And what exactly is the nature of this freedom they find on the outside?Steve Patry's film follows the paths of a number of ex-inmates as they try to reintegrate into society. A repeat-offender petty thief, a con artist, a drug dealer, a murderer: this documentary gives them each an opportunity to describe their daily precarity, their uncertain future and their troubled past. The film is unsentimental and pulls no punches as it explores that fragile moment where hope for a new beginning teeters and can veer toward good or bad.
L'amour au temps de la guerre civile, by RODRIGUE JEAN
Saturday, October 17 at 2 a.m.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/108268465
Synopsis: Alex is a young drug addict and prostitute in Montreal's Centre-Sud neighbourhood. Bruno, Simon, Jeanne, Éric and Velma form his inner circle of friends also caught in their own downward spiral of compulsive behaviour.Victimized by a society that ostracizes them and at the mercy of implacable market logic, they are the fallen angels of dark, violent times. With no past and no future, they dive headlong into a lonely present that is punctuated by their reckless consumption. Amidst this desolation remains their unfettered beauty.
L'abri, by Fernand Melgar - With thanks to Productions Catndocs
Saturday, October 17 at 9:30 p.m
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6JE_8P4sWs
Synopsis: Winter in an emergency shelter for the homeless in Switzerland. At the entrance each evening the same admission ritual unfolds, sometimes leading to shoving and even violent tussles. Staff perform the difficult task of triage among the poor: women and children first, then the men, from all strata of society, and increasingly from beyond the country's borders. Though the shelter can take in a maximum of 100 people, only 50 “chosen ones” will be allowed in and will receive a hot meal and a warm bed. For the others, the night will be long.
Sol by SUSAN AVINGAQ ET MARIE-HÉLÈNE COUSINEAU - One of the directors may be present (TBC).
Sunday, October 18 at 9:30 p.m.
Synopsis: Sol is short for Solomon Tapatsiaq Uyarasuk, a charismatic Inuit youth, an amateur musician, acrobat and poet. Marie-Hélène Cousineau (Le jour avant le lendemain, Uvanga) and Susan Avingaq offer a poignant tribute to this beautiful soul tortured by the fate of his people and gone too young. It is a celebration of Sol's all-too-short life and an investigation into his sudden death in an RCMP holding cell that remains suspicious to this day.The film explores the tragedy's roots and ramifications within Sol's small Arctic community. The misery and social problems, but also the remarkable resilience of the Inuit are on display in their ongoing struggle to not be denied and forgotten. So that Sol's death will not have been in vain.
This year, we decided to extend the public-piano concept to mealtime. For this, many thanks to the generous Julien Leblond. To customize the piano for our event and the theme of encounter, we asked the folks at the St. James Drop-in Centre to paint it! The piano will be accessible every day at mealtimes. Well-known popular and classical pianists will come make it sing, every day!
Since 1996, the St. James Drop-in Centre offers its clientele the benefits of an arts-based approach. Participants create an impressive array of works. The initiative's success relies wholly on the artist-members who come to the Centre every day, to work and find fulfillment and, for many of them, to temporarily leave behind the street and their loneliness.
Saturday, October 17 at 7:30 p.m.
Fred Dubé's comedy is rooted in politics, power, media and basically anything else that stirs the engaged citizen in him. A graduate of the École nationale de l’humour, he came onto the scene with a one-man show titled Un long poème qui pue des pieds. At the 2013 Zoofest, he presented Terroriste blanc d’Amérique, a piece which won the jury prize; in 2014, he performed L’ignorance fait plus de victimes que le cancer; and in 2015, he won the “media darling” award for his latest show, Radical Pouding.
Fred will host a mini-gala featuring some of Québec's best up-and-coming comedians.
Du Feu! Du Fun! Et…la tempête du siècle! Ezmeralda La Pirata, Corsaire des Mers Solitaire, débarque dans votre ville pour vous offrir un abordage artistique… du tonnerre! Suivez cette femme-pirate sanguinaire (sic!) et peine d’humour alors qu’elle affrontera seule avec ses épées de feu un équipage en furie; qu’elle se transformera en créature maritime enflammée ou qu’elle fera face à la tempête du siècle armée de son aviron de feu… et de son parapluie!
Éternellement à la recherche de l’amour de sa vie, ce sera peut-être dans votre ville qu’Ezmeralda trouvera 1 ou encore mieux… 2 pirates valeureux qui sauront lui plaire! Qui seront les hommes qui se battront pour elle … au Hoola Hoop?
Cirque Hors Piste
Saturday, October 17 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Facebook : www.facebook.com/cirquedumondemtl
Cirque Hors Piste is a socially engaged circus organization that provides marginalized individuals an inclusive, creative space. The organization mobilizes circus performers who wish to use their talents for the social good, and social workers who want to integrate circus arts into their approach.
As part of the event, Cirque Hors Piste will offer an introductory workshop on various circus disciplines: juggling with balls and pins, rola bola (balance board), diabolo and Chinese plates. The workshop is open to all, children and adults alike!
Sunday, October 18 from 1 to 5 p.m.
SOCCER DE RUE MONTRÉAL is a not-for-profit that provides organizations working with homeless or troubled young adults (men and women aged 18 to 35) a turnkey program for street soccer, a sport played in teams of four.