Followed by a show designed to beat the cold, featuring :
Paul Cargnello - Ivy - WLOVE - Isabelle St-Pierre - David Marin -
Ève Cournoyer, and a few surprises!
At Place Émilie-Gamelin
in the Quartier des spectacles!
(corner Ste-Catherine and St-Hubert, Berri-UQAM metro)
Nearly 300 of you showed up for the shoot, and you were all so into it! What do you say we do it all over again this Spring, but on an even bigger scale? With a bigger budget, and a live montage and broadcast!
Your energy is precisely what is needed to start something different in this world of disconnected abusers... Once again, a huge thank-you to all of you!
Still to come: a soundtrack and a “making of” featurette!
Producer: ATSA
Montage: Yoan Leviel
What does it mean to have had enough? When will we, as individuals and as a society, recognize the obscenity of allowing people to live out on the street or in poverty while financiers rake in billions in profits (when they are not making the world come crashing down)?
While Canadian banks record $17-billion profits in nine months, Montreal copes with 30,000 homeless people on its streets. Does this indecent state of affairs not call for a most vocal denunciation?
Original concept, storyline and shoot management: ATSA
Crowd direction: Annie Roy, thanks to the volunteer participation of socially engaged citizens! THANK YOU!!
Video co-directors: ATSA and Stéphane Grasso
Editing : Stéphane Grasso
Camerapeople: Nathalie Lebel, Geoffroy Beauchemin, Antoine Lortie Ouellet, Steve Patrie, Émilie Laliberté and Serge Lévesque, with a special mention for the director and camerapeople for the loaned equipment!
The shoot took place November 18, 2011 at Montreal’s Place Émilie-Gamelin to mark the opening evening of FIN NOVEMBRE. The public was invited to participate in a cathartic collective gesture symbolizing the fall of the unbridled capitalism which has led to our spiritual decay and death—and then a collective rebirth where mutual aid and a spirit of sharing help rebuild our identity and put the joy back in our lives!
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