Ouvre ta boîte

  • Cartes postales "Ouvre ta boîte"
  • Montréal

  • 2007-2010


1200 postcards sent to the office of the Prime Minister of Canada

The Workshop Ouvre ta Boîte continues. The ATSA will post homeopathically, one by one, your 1200 postcards at the office of the Prime Minister of Canada from September 11.

Ouvre ta Boîte is an educational workshop created and directed by ATSA. Through creative expression, this activity encourages every citizen to speak up and to write a message urging the Government to cease running away from environmental matters.

The idea was born on a Saturday afternoon as we were playing with our children. We had just received a postcard and we wanted to write back. Looking at all the different colors and patterns of the boxes in our recycling bin, we thought it would be a good idea to make postal card out of recycled boxes, therefore giving them a second life. Ouvre ta Boîte was then incorporated to the Squat Polaire project which is a climate change public action.

The different food boxes (cereal, cookies, pizzas, etc.) offer a wide variety of colors and patterns, but also ready-to-use messages and labels (Organic, President’s Choice, No GMO, etc.) that can be modif in a creative way. On the back of the postcard, an environmental message addressed to the Prime Ministre is written. For most people, it is often the first attempt to speak up, and to realize that they have an important role to play in the life of their community. It’s also a good opportunity for young people to get involved in their society and to start thinking for themselves! Everyone of us has something to say and we strongly believe that this is a perfect time to encourage the Prime Ministre to take on a responsible role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions contributing to global warming.


ouvretaboite grostape


Project "Ouvre ta boîte" with childrens of the district.

Material :

  • Tables and chairs
  • As many recycled boxes as possible (cookies, cereals, pizzas, etc.) at least one per person…
  • Cisors
  • Pencils
  • Pens
  • Markers

ATSA will supply the “Prime Minister Cabinet” ink pad and the postcard stencil!

You would be interested by this workshop ? You would like ATSA to visit your school ? Please send us your request by email.

To see an exemple of a postcard click here

Read the press release (pdf - french)