

The Farm or how to nourrish an Intelligent future is a constantly evolving project based on the latest knowledge in Artificial Intelligence. This is possible thanks to the collaboration of specialists in the field including:

    Dave Anctil PhD, is Professor at Jean-de-Brébeuf College and affiliated researcher with the International Observatory on the societal impacts of artificial intelligence and digital technology (OBVIA), Laval University.
     Matthieu Dugal is the host on the show Moteur de recherche on Ici Radio-Canada Première.
      Michal Seta is a sound artist, improviser, coder and digital arts researcher.
  The Montreal Regional Environmental Council supports the process of creating the work by recording the digital data of the project in order to generate a report. This continuous analysis will then make it possible to propose recommendations in order to reduce the ecological footprint of such projects.
  The École de Technologie Supérieure brings its expertise to the project through the collaboration of specialists on the subject of AI.