Our All-Inclusive event is clearly positioned as an eco-friendly one and has linked up with Takt-Etik to meet its Zero Carbon, Zero Waste objective. We are doing this by reducing, reusing, recycling and composting. Thank-you to all our green partners who help us improve our performance year after year. Among them: Consortium Écologique, R4, Mirabûches, Nova Envirocom, Café Nelligan, Café Rico, Nutrisoya, Santropol and the Société de transport de Montréal (take the metro!).
État d’Urgence allows like-minded citizens to do their bit for the environment too:
Be part of the green brigade!
Café Nelligan
Café Rico
Consortium Écho-Logique
Nova Envirocom
R4 – Concordia
You are a fan of Ecotourism, Regional terroir cuisine, or Holistic spas? Don't forget our all-inclusive all-inclusive contest!