The LE CŒUR ET LA TÊTE series offers opportunities for encounter and reflection thanks to TESTIMONIALS, often full of humour and always compelling, from refugees who share their life experiences, and to CONFERENCES by experts and case workers in the field who know the challenges of the demanding refugee process. Several important themes—peace, integration, francization, employment, isolation, trauma—are broached and discussed from the standpoint of the ages of life.

"40 ans d'actions au service des personnes immigrantes et réfugiées"
thursday À 7pm - TEMPO #6
A historical perspective on migration issues echoed in today’s debates - The Table de concertation au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI) is a grouping of more than 140 community organizations working towards welcoming and integration of migrant people, celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. This activity will be the occasion to meet some of its pioneers, who will take a historical look on past and present struggles, and those yet to come, to make Quebec a more welcoming society where everyone’s rights are respected.
"les enfants réfugiés"
THURSDAy and SAturday 7pm - TEMPO #9
Un jour à l’école, j’ai entendu la guerre (…). More than half of the world’s refugees are children. Many will spend their entire childhood far from home, sometimes separated from family. They have often been witnesses or victims of violence and they run numerous risks while in exile: abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation, human trafficking or recruitment by armed groups.The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (HCR) and its partners are working to help rebuild these children’s futures.Denise Otis, a member of the Barreau du Québec since 1982, is the HCR’s Montreal bureau chief. Before joining the HCR in May 2004, Ms. Otis had a private practice that handled cases mainly in the field of refugee rights.
"les questions migratoires de l’heure dans la perspective de l’hospitalité et du droit à la circulation"
Mouloud Idir - Adis Simidzija - Centre Justice et FoI
friday- 5pm - Tempo #9
Presentation of the issues raised by the centre’s Vivre ensembleinitiative, notably current issues surrounding migration, from the viewpoint of hospitality and of the right to circulate.
friday 7pm - TEMPO #6
I share my experiences of inquiries conducted in various Montreal neighbourhoods, through informal conversations in public spaces with their residents. How do they speak of their neighbourhoods, which are undergoing transformation? How do they feel about the increasing diversity all around them, in the central and outlying neighbourhoods alike? What lessons are to be drawn on how Montrealers coexist on a day-to-day basis? Annick Germain is a research professor at the Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS).
FRIDAy 5pm - TEMPO #7
A life among the Innu- André Michel, the “white Indian”, will discuss stereotypes, ancestral rights, the enduring and avowed aim of assimilation, and the Indian Act of 1876 that placed the First Nations under tutelage both as individuals and collectively. He will get you thinking. Is there really an advantage to living on a reserve? He will answer all your questions. He will share, in his mellifluous Provençal accent, numerous anecdotes, including one about his first contact with the Innu, whom he admires for their resilience. He will tell of his long stays in Quebec’s north, the habits of his Innu friends vis-à-vis nature, their customs and traditions, and the wisdom, spirituality and fate of the First Nations.
frIday 7pm - TEMPO #7
Artists for peace - Author, poet and novelist andré jacob will present his latest book, pour la paix, brisons le silence!, and speak of the prerequisites for a culture of peace.
friday 5pm - TEMPO #8
Carlos Parra left Colombia aged 18, at a time of political instability. His decision was partially informed by his inability to imagine a future for himself in his country as a blind man. He made his way to the United States, legally, where he spent six years. His life was still difficult there, and so he moved on, crossing into Canada, illegally. Carlos now lives in Québec. He will speak of his life experiences.
"les questions migratoires de l’heure dans la perspective de l’hospitalité et du droit à la circulation"
friday 5pm - TEMPO #9
Presentation of the issues raised by the centre’s Vivre ensembleinitiative, notably current issues surrounding migration, from the viewpoint of hospitality and of the right to circulate.
"Le parrainage des réfugiés au Québec"
FRIDAY 5pm - TEMPO #10
Panel on the 40 years of the refugee sponsorship program, reuniting refugees from different migratory waves (Boat People, Syrian refugees).
by CSAi
SAturday 11:30pm - TEMPO #6
The attachment to one’s culture of origin, a comparative discussion between youngsters of different ages and cultural backgrounds. The activity aims to foster a dialogue between youngsters from different immigration generations about their sense of belonging to their country of origin. During two hours, round tables will be held to discuss this matter.
Caroline Marcoux-Gendron
Quel(s) âge(s) a ta playlist? The music people listen to at different times in their life can reveal many things about their migratory experience: the age at which they migrated, the number of years they’ve been in Montreal, the migratory wave they were a part of, the generation they belonged to in their country of birth and in their host country…Caroline Marcoux-Gendron presents her analysis as part of her PhD thesis. At the intersection of cultural sociology and immigration sociology (UCS-INRS), she examines the musical listening habits and various related activities of individuals born in North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and now living in Montreal.
SAturday 12am - TEMPO #8
Testimonials of immigrants who have settled in Quebec’s regions. Presentation and testimonials of immigrants who have settled in the rural regions, followed by a discussion with the audience. Presentation of initiatives in regionalization, and of the realities as experienced in the Chaudières-Appalaches region through the testimonials of two immigrants living there. Eva Lopez is executive director of Intégration communautaire des immigrants (ICI). Born in Colombia, she has lived in Canada for 27 years. Her only reason for moving to Quebec was… love! She is married to a dyed-in-the-wool Quebecer. She has successfully integrated into her host society thanks to her vitality and her involvement in the community.
SAturday 2:30pm - TEMPO #8
ARM, at the heart of the issues faced by immigrants- Action Réfugiés Montréal has been helping to welcome refugees to the Montreal area for 25 years. This presentation will showcase the issues faced by asylum seekers, sponsored refugees and persons without status. Also broached is the subject of persons who cross the border on foot. We will propose concrete steps for getting citizens involved in providing assistance to people experiencing forced migration, in order to help with the arrival and subsequent integration of such persons.
"Les récits du coeur d'ici et d'ailleurs"
Saturday - 4PM - Tempo #6
Being inspired by migrant people life paths, which will be told through short testimonies, the public are invited to come share reflections about their own life courses and those of newcomers: identity, aspirations, challenges, discoveries… Willing to give the floor to immigrants and newcomers, we set up writing workshops with francization adult students so as to tune in and listen to them, hear their voices, get to know them and share their universe in all of its depth. From these workshops, the book Récits du coeurs, carnets de migration à Montréal was created. The Ahuntsic library, the Carrefour d’aide aux nouveaux arrivants and the organization Concertation-femme aimed, through these stories, to move you so as to facilitate the understanding and welcoming of this beautiful diversity, its challenges and its richness. These writing workshops were given by writer Yara El-Ghadban, also editorial director.
SAturday 3pm - TEMPO #9
I am drawn to the resilience of the human spirit. In 2016, I began a photography project on the welcoming of Syrian refugees. I had the privilege of meeting some admirable individuals and families who, having fled war, set about rebuilding their lives. I also found my fellow Quebecers and Canadians to be tremendously generous and compassionate; through their actions, big or small, they helped facilitate the integration of families who had lost everything. Soon after, as a result of global migration crises, Canada experienced a surge in asylum requests. These people arrive at our border in extremely precarious conditions. Some are fortunate enough to find themselves at Le Pont, even if only for a few weeks. While providing beneficiaries with anonymity if they so desire, I try to reflect in my photos the values of hospitality, security and integration shown to asylum seekers.
Véronique Harvey
SAturday 5pm - TEMPO #9
Psychological support for refugees. Véronique Harvey explains the trauma of human violence—war, torture, terrorism, genocide—and the services provided to refugees in need of psychological support. Ms. Harvey is a social worker, psychotherapist, trainer and lecturer specializing in intercultural relations and trauma. She holds a Master’s degree in social work from New York University, a licence to practice psychotherapy in New York State and one from the Ordre des psychologues du Québec.
Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness in collaboration with Médecins Sans Frontières
saturday 11pm - TEMPO #10
SCSC and Doctors Without Borders invite a variety of experts, immigrants and members of different communities to discuss the crisis that led to migration in great numbers from the Central American triangle. The conference will also broach the link to be made with the forced migration we see in Montreal. The speakers will discuss the impacts of migration on mental health, from the country of origin to the host destination. Finally, the conference series will explore the potential of cities to be front-line agents for maintaining the dignity and humanity of people forced to flee.
sunday 11pm - TEMPO #6
Pilar Hernandez and Rafael Benitez, co-founders of PAAL, Partageons le monde, are the instigators of the organization’s projects. Born in Mexico, they arrived in Montreal in 2009 as permanent residents. They practiced their professions (she is a restorer of works of art, he a graphic artist) over the six ensuing years. Having obtained a degree in the management of cultural organizations from Montreal’s HEC, Pilar went on to get a Bachelor’s in fine arts and degrees in museology and cultural mediation. Rafael is a multidisciplinary artist and the holder of a Bachelor’s in visual communication and a Master’s in intercultural mediation from Université de Sherbrooke. He has followed training as a storyteller with artist Nadine Walsh. Raphaël and Pilar also invite you to their workshop La Grande Paixon Sunday at 1 p.m. in Tempo # 10.
manal jooma
sunday 5pm - tempo #7
Montreal is known as a diverse, multicultural city. Beirut, as a millenary city of metamorphosis with many stories to tell. One just need see the humus on the shelves of any Montreal grocery store to recognize that Lebanese cuisine is part of Montreal’s multicultural fabric. Let’s travel together, exposing our taste buds and our senses to this city of the thousand and one nights.
sunday 12am - tempo #8
Laurent Lepage will discuss his participation in the Task Force on Climate Migration at the Institute of Environment and Security of United Nations University and the International Organization for Migration (Bangkok 2007, Munich 2007, 2008). Laurent Lepage has been a full professor at UQAM’s Environment Sciences Institute (ISE) (1996–2016), Chair of Urban Ecosystem Studies at the ISE (2000–2008), and an adjunct professor (2016–2019) and retired professor at the ISE.
"Se mettre en mouvement pour créer des liens significatifs"
sunday 12:30pm - Tempo #9
As we rub shoulders without knowing each other, SINGA Québec opens the door to encounter, discovery, and friendship. John Nyembo and Rafaëlle Sinave, both members of the SINGA Québec's council, will present the organization and the means to act to participate in the inclusion of the newly arrived people, including refugees. John Nyembo, native of the Democratic Republic of Congo and future Canadian citizen, will tell his story and his integration process within Quebec society. SINGA Québec is a Montreal-based organization that aims to create relationships between newcomers, including refugees, and the host society. Our community relies on a network of citizens willing to expand their horizons to reach out to the other and develop significant relationships.
collectif Bienvenu
sunday 4pm - TEMPO #9
Welcome Collective, a citizens collective providing direct assistance to asylum seekers. Welcome Collective is a not-for-profit that arranges for local Montrealers to provide support to newly arrived asylum seekers. With donated pieces of furniture and the support of grassroots community and social service organizations, its teams help families settle into their new homes and their new neighbourhoods with the essential goods they require. Our program targets the most vulnerable and needy families, contributes to the reuse of furniture and other items, and fosters ties between Montrealers and new arrivals. It doesn’t take much to make a real difference.

thursay 8pm - TEMPO #9
Arriving as a refugee from Niger in 2010, Kimba began running as a means to forget what he went through in his country. During Cuisine ta ville, he will speak of his integration into Quebec society, particularly through the world of running, and through work as well.
"Saveurs syriennes et valeurs sociales"
thursday 9pm - TEMPO #9
Cuisine rich in Syrian flavours and in social values. Adelle Tarzibachi, co-founder of Les Filles Fasttoush, will speak about the social enterprise’s mission. A positive project that offers an initial work experience to female refugees from Syria, drawing on their cooking skills and their desire to share the wealth of their people’s culture and history. Next, Amal and Maria, two cooks who have been involved with the project since its inception, will explain how it has helped them break out of isolation, and gain experience, and the fun they have working and discovering a new facet of their host community.
friday 5pm - TEMPO #6
I was born in Guadeloupe in 1969. In my twenties, I wanted to travel the world. In 1993, I met a Quebecer while in Paris and in 1995, I moved to Ancienne-Lorette to be with him. We divorced in 1997 and I returned to Guadeloupe. Between late 1999 and 2002, I worked in Paris, and then decided to return to Québec. Fast-forward 10 years: I moved to Rivière-du-Loup, in the Bas-Saint-Laurent, to be with my new partner. We separated after one year, and I remained in the area another two. I invest my time and effort in community work.
friday 5pm - TEMPO #8
Carlos Parra left Colombia aged 18, at a time of political instability. His decision was partially informed by his inability to imagine a future for himself in his country as a blind man. He made his way to the United States, legally, where he spent six years. His life was still difficult there, and so he moved on, crossing into Canada, illegally. Carlos now lives in Québec. He will speak of his life experiences.
SAturday 14:30pm - TEMPO #6
Soufia Bensaid has moved through different social, cultural and professional circles between Tunisia, where she was born, France, where she studied, and Quebec, which she now calls home. Canada answered an ineffable call of life. Making the decision to take the leap was tough and challenging, but ultimately worth it. Soufia Bensaid tells a story of courage, impermanence, resilience, and encounter with the Other and with oneself, on the path of immigration. An open invitation to each of us to draw on our interior strength. Soufia Bensaid also invites you to the activation of her relational art work Soul @ Soul on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
SAturday 4pm - TEMPO #8
Danielle Aznavourian shares her story, from migration to immigration.She accompanies her story with images (family photos, immigration itinerary, objects from exile, etc.) as well as a list of things and realities about her native city that she also finds in her adoptive city, which confers some charm to the latter and alleviates her sense of nostalgia and homesickness. From Beirut to Montreal, discover what Danielle refers to as “Montréalités beyrouthines.” And while she may be the first in her family to have immigrated to Quebec, she is not the first to experience displacement.
sunday 3:30pm - TEMPO #6
Sophie Germain explains: “In the summer of 2018, while he was creating a painting of a boat person titled Lavi nan dlo and I was getting acquainted with his music and videos dealing with social injustice and disparity in Haiti, Maxo displayed a strong desire to express himself on the reality of the conditions faced by migrants. He is ambitious, and one day would like to create a work in papier mâché and bequeath it to an organization that serves refugees and immigrants as a way of becoming an integral part of his new host community (and perhaps appease the spirits that be so they confirm his resident status; he still waits…).” To chase away the daily stress of waiting, he has chosen to be proactive by offering a percussion workshop (Sunday at 1:30 in Tempo #11) and a testimonial to visitors of Cuisine ta ville, who will discover one of his works as well as revealing videos showing the living conditions of people in Haiti.
Pertulien Batsimba
sunday 5pm - Tempo #6
Pertulien Floribert BANTSIMBA is passionate about arts and culture, actor and storyteller, puppeteer, percussionist, and he makes African masks and puppets. Canadian citizen native from Congo-Brazzaville, he joined in his country of origin a professional theatre company dedicated to awareness to HIV-AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, STBBI, with the collaboration of UNICEF, UNDP, OXFAM and the Congolese Red Cross. Later, he embraces the art of the puppet with the very first Congolese puppet theatre company MARICO (Marionette du Congo), directed by Fine POATY, an with them he participates to many creations and festivals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
"des masques pour contrer l'indifférence"
sunday 11pm - TEMPO #9
Pascale Bourguignon’s presentation deals with the work of young people participating in her workshops for creating papier mâché masks. As a member of the citizens group Bridges not Borders / Créons des ponts, Pascale is concerned by the plight of refugees in the area of Hemmingford, in Montérégie-Sud, near the U.S. border. These workshops are a logical extension of her civic engagement and, more broadly, of her work as an artist. Her workshops are made possible by crowdfunding: Pascale will discuss how the youth responded to her project, the obstacles it has met with—mostly to do with their uncertain statuses—and the issues raised by the workshop. Dialogue with the public is encouraged.