The Artists of La Montagnarde 2022

  • Laurentides

  • SINCE 2022




 The Artists


ARTISTS |artwork|citizen participation |
video documentary|What participants said|partners

Artists 2022


elparo working

A self-taught artist, elparo first found expression through graffiti. Today, in situ installations take up such a large part of his practice that he has difficulty fully devoting himself to pictoral art. Planks, furniture, small crates, pallets – everything he comes across in the street is potentially a starting point for a new creation. 

His practice is in constant flux: metal, ceramics, collage, engineered wood, plywood, cork and branches have all found their way into his works. A festival, an arts trail, a symposium, commissions, land art events – an installation appears anywhere dialogue between volume and the environment is possible. 


Chloé Coomans

Photo Chloé


Chloé Coomans is an explorer amid a bounty of disciplines: sculpture, ceramics, illustration, painting, screen printing, etching, video, installations.

Her protean universe is an invitation to a dreamlike world that questions the origins and future of humanity. It connects us with our atavistic collective memory, resisting oversimplification, transforming the violence in our actions into gestures of tenderness, for a moment of exhilaration. Her vocabulary is poetic, engaged, utopian, universal, a continuous to and fro between love and revolution; innocence and cruelty; silent beauty and confident ugliness. She rebels against the aberrations and injustices of our world, waging full-frontal attacks with arrows drawn, then lays down her weapons at the alter to proffer flowers to soothe spirits and capture the beauty.

Diane Obomsawin

© Diane Dauphinais

Diane Obomsawin, also known under the pseudonym Obom, is an animation filmmaker and comic book author of Abenaki origin. Coming from the first wave of underground comics in Quebec, she has left her mark on the world of illustration over the years. Since the 90s she has also created short animated films full of poetry and realism. Her work have been presented at numerous festivals in Canada and abroad.

It was following a meeting with Annie Roy and inspiring discussions that the artist wanted to donate a mural to La Montagnarde.

artwork 2022


La Montagnarde artiste elparo 02

Made entirely of wood, this natural installation plays with its environment. Facing the street, a volume emerges from the ground of La Montagnarde, offering a dynamic work in the image of this new place. Voluntarily abstract and untitled, it is free of interpretation, giving free rein to the imagination, it is a gateway to exchange and sharing.

Dimension: 6 meters in diameter, 5 meters high
Materials: wooden crusts
Duration of creation: 3 weeks


Chloé Coomans

La Montagnarde artiste Chloecoomans

« Chrysalide » 

Installation - Sculpture

Materials: Branches, wood, 35 ceramics

Like a dreamlike space outside of time and the frantic race of our time, Chloe offers us this bubble suspended in the silence of the forest. A place that brings us back to our childhood dreams. A place where we can take refuge and which invites us to explore our aspirations, between earth and sky. Ceramic clouds cling to it to underline the softness of its poetic proposal. The swirl of branches creates a movement that raises us higher and higher towards the tree tops.




* October 9 from 1 to 3 p.m. :

- Understand the La Montagnarde project and the approaches of our first guest artists : elparo and Chloé Coomans
- Exchange with citizens at Atelier culturel located, 1920 chemin du Village, Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard J0T 2B0
OR on Facebook Live :

* October 22-23 :

- Introductory ceramic modeling workshop with Chloé Coomans, professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Saint-Josse in Brussels
- Help on the work of the artist elparo

* October 29-30 : 

- Modeling of ceramic pieces
- Creation of an artisanal paper kiln for the firing of ceramics (Oct 30)
- Participation in the creation of a monumental work in wood with elparo
- Facebook event HERE

No special skills required, get involved by expressing your interest to do so to Annie Roy at

* November 4-5 : friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

- End of residency community opening
- Meeting with the artists elparo and Chloé
- Discovery of the works on site
- Facebook event HERE

documentary (FR)

Alexandre Fournier from NousTV Laurentides, followed our two artists during the 3 weeks of residency, discover the episodes :

EPISODE 1 : Introduction

On the outskirts of the forest of Saint-Adolphe d'Howard, La Montagnarde invites artists to create collective and inspiring works on site. Before the arrival of the artists, Annie Roy prepares the site for this creative space.


EPISODE 2 : Artists and Expectations

It is the arrival of the artists elparo and Chloé Coomans who discover the place of residence and speak to us about their artistic practice as well as the works which they will carry out!


EPISODE 3 : Creation Process

The artists Chloe and elparo take possession of their space and the creation begins! Some obstacles to overcome, they adapt to their working environment and the materials they have.


EPISODE 4 : Community

The time has come to fire the ceramic pieces for Chloé Coomans work with the installation of an artisanal paper kiln, with the help of the citizens of Saint-Adolphe d'Howard.

EPISODE 5 : The Final Object

After 3 weeks, the residency is coming to an end. Thanks to the artists Chloé Coomans and elparo for inaugurating La Montagnarde with two beautiful works!


What participants said

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« It was an unforgettable experience for me! Mathieu and Chloe are remarkable people, with an artistic vision very inspired by nature! I totally fell under Chloé's charm, she is a warm and approachable person, she brought out my artistic side, the time to make the small ceramics and to assist her in the construction of the cocoon!

The making of the paper kiln was also a discovery and a highlight of this residency. And the result! The work that will remain in nature, will be for me a place where it will be good to go to recharge my batteries! There is something magical, and of communion with nature very strong in this Poetic Cocoon...

Thank you Chloe for the happiness you brought me, you are an inspiring woman. To be in the forest with you, to see all the evolution, from day 1 to the end, was an immense pleasure!
Thank you to Annie, without whom this would not have been possible! And to Mathieu, for his monumental sculpture, which he built by himself, this snake will be the totem of our friendship...

Long life to La Montagnarde! » Brigitte Renaud


« For me, the Montagnarde is a great discovery. There are many ideas of integration and participation in a local social and environmental development project that seem to be emerging. The project is in process of construction and the municipality should better support and disseminate information.
Personally, I liked the nature of this project that joined me in my craft practice of ceramics. Moreover, the project is an amalgam between social and art. I believe in it a lot and it is full of hope. » Céline Beaudoin



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