
  • Montreal
    Place Émilie Gamelin

  • November 16-19, 2017

  • Press review



We would like to thank all participants for their support and contribution!
The event was a success.

Video by Geoffroy Beauchemin
French only

Follow us and be on the look out for our next projects.


This coming November 16 to 19 at Place Émilie-Gamelin, ATSA, When Art Takes Action will hold an event called Pas d’Radis Fiscaux : l’État d’Urgence to promote the eradication of inequality. Featuring a multitude of original interdisciplinary works on the theme of wealth disparity, it will continue in the tradition of our past fall events by promoting inclusiveness and providing services to the most underprivileged Montrealers.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16 at 5:30 p.m.: Official kick-off of the event in collaboration with Oxfam-Québec, ATTAC_Québec and the Échec aux Paradis Fiscaux collective.

You will discover Loop-s (the Belgian collective Désorceler la finance), Maggy Flynn (and her truck Vide-poche), Émmanuel Laflamme (and his house of cards), Sara Dignard (and her gown of secrets), Les Synesthésias (the meeting of a painter and a musician), Certitude ou Voir le Noir ( Réal capuano et Sioui-Durand), Hidden Paradise (public rehearsal by Alix Dufresne and Marc Béland), Sophie Castonguay (and her angry choir), On s’en tain (media art by Thibault Quinchon), Radis Fiscal by ATSA (taking of selfies-with-a-message to send to our government ministers) and an edition of Le Temps d'une Soupe on the topic of lax legislation. And these are only some of the activities! We'll fill you in on the rest a bit later...

ACT NOW! Our exchange bank (Reception) will be the place where you can begin to take action against tax havens, which are indisputably a root cause of the erosion of States and of the unwarranted tax burdens citizens are expected to shoulder.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 at 7:30 p.m.:  À humanité variable: the closing evening of the 21st Journées québécoises de solidarité internationale (JQSI) 

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18: Conference by Alain Deneault, followed by a question and answer period

As well, the event will host the first-ever US/Canada/UK gathering of the Arts and Homelessness movement With One Voice, and feature the big return of the popular Banquet Cochon by local chef Martin Picard! And three wonderful dissemination partners will join us to enrich our programming: the Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM)Les Escales Improbables de Montréal and Mundial Montreal!


Photos par Martin Savoie

Two videos (in french) to tease you !

"Je ne savais pas que je savais": https://vimeo.com/119922469.

Échec aux paradis fiscaux : Levez le voile ! http://www.echecparadisfiscaux.ca


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