Sustainable development is both a social and ecological experience!

État d’Urgence : An eco-friendly event made possible by our partners R4, Consortium Écho-logique, Equita, Nova Envirocom and ÉcoLog. In addition, ATSA composts all organic waste. Many thanks to all our supporters who think green on a daily basis:

R4-Concordia, for the 225 washable plates used to serve 1,050 meals!

Équita for the sugar and some 15,000 delicious cups of fair trade coffees

Écolog for a pallet’s worth of non-polluting logs, made of compressed sawdust and wood shavings, that generate 50% fewer fine-particle emissions than traditional logs. They will serve to heat up our bodies... and our souls!

Recycling of paper, carton, plastic, metal and Tetra Pak packaging, in collaboration with Consortium Écho-logique which also provides training to our volunteers!

Nova-Envirocom for the utensils and cutlery made of compostable potato starch!

+1 Water, for their bottled water in bottles made of a biodegradable corn derivative!

Many thanks to the STM for graciously donating monthly passes to allow the ATSA team and État d'Urgence artists living outside Montreal to travel via public transit for the duration of the event!

During État d’Urgence 2006, ATSA recovered more than half a tonne of waste, which was then turned over to Normand Legault, farmer.