Sérgio Cezar (Brazil) 9
A former soccer player known in South America as the “Architect of Paper,” Sérgio Cezar reproduces the favelas of Rio de Janeiro as “gigantic” models, veritable cities made of paper and cardboard. The rich detail of the buildings, exhibiting an aesthetic based on the infinitesimally small, is an impressive aspect of his work. As well, he founded, 20 years ago, an NGO that promotes social inclusion through art and recycling, something which resonates very much with État d’Urgence’s mission. Sérgio will begin his work with the St. James Drop-in Centre and invites you to join him in this meticulous adventure devoted to the reconstitution and memory of his neighbourhood. Translation will be provided on-the-spot!
To find out more about the artist (portuguese)
To find out more about the artist (english)
To find out more about the artist (english)

Hans Winkler (Germany)
Handbook : Tips and survival strategies 1 12
Dividing his time between Berlin and NYC, H.S. Winkler bases his work on social interaction, often in an urban setting, and explores daily reality and how popular symbols are interpreted. He has been curator for numerous exhibitions and a guest professor at various institutions. As a committed practitioner of interventionist art, his work is site-specific. He intends to develop a textbook of survival strategies based on his encounters with Montreal addicts and street people prior to and during État d’Urgence. He will set up a makeshift office on the spot, where he will display the texts he has collected and welcome the public in order to stimulate dialogue and gather testimonials. At a time of major economic upheaval, what know-how can the homeless share with us and among themselves?
The artist will hold a conference at the Goethe-Institut on November 26 from 5 to 6:30 P.M.
To find out more about the artist

Donigan Cumming (Montreal)
Kincora 7
Donigan Cumming is an artist who uses photography, video, painting, drawing, sound, and text in multi-media installations that have been widely exhibited in Europe, the United States, and Canada. Produced at Québec’s Centre VU, Kincora is a large series of drawings and illustrations that enabled him to reach back and retouch the people and places he once photographed during an expropriation which made hundreds of people in a little Montreal neighbourhood homeless. Kincora is presented in the form of large banners, as well as projections scattered throughout the city as part of In This MeanTime_MTL.
To find out more about the artist

Jean-François Lemire (Montreal)
Photographic installation 6
For six years now, photojournalist and visual storyteller Jean-François Lemire has been presenting facts and observations of everyday life with an engaging, unaffected style all his own. His direct approach and commitment to his subjects impart to his images a quality of familiarity and establish a personal connection with the viewer. He is driven artistically by the desire to document new worlds, as evidenced by his large-scale exhibition, a “photo documentary” on homelessness, produced for État d'Urgence.
To find out more about the artist

Phil Allard (Montréal)
Ambulatory work 8
Holding a Bachelor’s in graphic design from UQAM, Phil Allard produces large-scale sculptures and installations that are intended to expand our environmental awareness. His approach to recovery leads to the creation of works that exist beyond considerations of scale and traditional beauty and which question our aesthetic paradigm. Moreover, his deliberate use of raw materials made from society’s discarded waste is a means of protest against hyperconsumerism, an approach in perfect sync with the message of État d’Urgence. During the opening evening, the artist will present an ambulatory work made of recycled materials, a live-in bicycle that will certainly find a new owner!
To find out more about the artist

ATSA (Montreal)
In This Mean Time_MTL 4 13 14
In collaboration with webtv.coop and Media Merchants, ATSA will mastermind an État d’Urgence invasion of the city and the Web. Numerous surveillance cameras will film the entire event around the clock. The images will be broadcast live on numerous walls of downtown buildings, including the Cooper Building, as soon as nightfall arrives, as well as Webcast in real time at webtv.coop. The État d’Urgence shows will be filmed in HD colour with sound, and Webcast live at webtv.coop for your viewing pleasure!
See État d’Urgence 2009 between 5 and 11 P.M. at www.webtv.coop
Starting at nightfall downtown courtesy of Media Merchants
After five weeks residency in Vancouver with the Grunt gallery in summer 2009, ATSA elaborated a collaboration with Media Merchants and webtv.coop. Together, they will mastermind an État d’Urgence invasion of the city of Montreal, Vancouver and the Web. Numerous surveillance cameras will film the entire event around the clock. The images will be broadcast live on numerous walls of downtown buildings, including the Pacific Center (Sears Building) in Vancouver from 6pm to 12 am (or 1005 Granville if not possible) as well as the Cooper Building in Montreal, as soon as nightfall arrives. État d’Urgence shows will be filmed in HD colour with sound, and Webcast live at webtv.coop for your viewing pleasure. This project will lead to more ATSA projects in Vancouver in the next year.
Thanks to: Paul Kroitor, Victor Sandrasagra, Simon Bujold, Yvan Dubuc, Dominic Voisine, Benoît Chartrand, Pascal Maeder, Grunt Gallery Vancouver, Inter-Cité Vidéo and Vidéo Assist.

Geneviève Massé (Montreal)
Photo exhibition 5
Geneviève Massé took part in État d’Urgence as a production assistant for three years. In the fourth year of her involvement with the event, she worked as a photographer in order to capture for posterity the encounters made there. For this, her fifth year, she presents the images from those encounters, and we discover the men and women with whom she shared moments of hope, of peace, and of love.
To find out more about the artist