Time to grab a bite!
État d’Urgence feeds hearts and bellies thanks to the following kind-hearted restaurateurs:
Breakfast 1
Nov. 27 Laïka
Nov. 28 Au Petit Extra
Nov. 29 Kitchen
Nov. 30 Pistou
December 1st Garde-Manger
every morning : La Binerie Mont-Royal beans and Bridor croissants.
Lunch 2
Nov. 27 Le Réservoir
Nov. 28 Holder
Nov. 29 Le
Café du TNM
Nov. 30 Chu
Tea time 1
Soup courtesy of Soupesoup!
Supper 2
Nov. 26 Le Commensal
Nov. 27 Pistou
Nov. 28 Arrêt
de Bus Traiteur
The meal provided by Arrêt de Bus Traiteur is truly a moving experience. Since 2005, it has been served by the children of the école Arc-en-ciel who each year put together a show and tender words that warm the hearts of all who are in attendance!
The Banquet Cochon!
Animation : Stéphane Crète and his guests!
Chefs Martin Picard and Normand Laprise, from restaurants Au Pied de Cochon and Toqué!,respectively, as well as Moustafa Rougaibi from La
Colombe have organized a five-course gastronomical feast every year since 2003! They are passionate individuals in whose delightful company we shall experience a memorable evening!
With : Toxique Trottoir, Isabelle… La Horde vocale, Chiwawa, la soprano Jacinthe Thibault, Samian, Bon Débarras -
Nov. 30
The meal provided by thela Coop Généreux in collaboration with the cooks from La Faim du monde, exemplifies a philosophy of non-waste. An excellent meal prepared from food that would otherwise have been discarded.
Le buffet - État d'Urgence 2004 - photo Martin Savoie
Potager légumes rôti
Choix de trois omelettes
Pâté Chinois
Chaudrée de palourdes
Spaghetti à la viande
Cipâte aux quatre viandes
Salade aux légumes
St-Germain à la menthe
Soupe à l'oignon |
Déjeuner de cabane à sucre
Lasagne à la viande
Boeuf et choux
Terrine de Foie Gras
omelettes au jambon et poivrons
Salade de poulet végé
Lentilles Sud-Américaines
Un banquet de récup !!!
Omelettes avec sauce aux légumes